/ Competencies / Systems Engineering
Systematically to Success
Technological projects become ever more complex and time-consuming and requirements increase continuously. Successful completion of large and complex technology projects depends heavily on efficient systems engineering. We can accompany you as a competent cooperation partner in this process.
The course for successful project implementation is set in systems engineering. It is a process which requires and includes many different engineering disciplines and skills.
Continuity Leads to Success
Systems engineering consists fairly much of a continuous process of coordination of requirements, objectives and framework conditions among the client, users and developers to cover all requirements involved in the complex project. In addition to the plain technical aspects, also the legal framework conditions and any approval criteria for the application are in the focus. Above all, a comprehensive documentation across all phases of system development should not be neglected since this is an essential basis for successful quality assurance.
Efficiency Despite Complexity
The tasks involved in systems engineering require the ability to apply specialized knowledge at an interdisciplinary level, process complex tasks methodically, structure them systematically and thereby provide the input of content to the development process.
Requirements engineering is one of the core areas involved. It is one of the most significant prerequisites for success particularly in safety-critical projects. System design is about refining the process – detailing the various partial areas.
Major challenges in this process are the best possible mapping of requirements and the resulting functions within the subsystems as well as the definition of the sub-aspects to be implemented in the hardware and software. In this context, the complete development process as far as to system integration, system verification and system validation must be considered.
Systematic Project Success
The route to success involves setting up systems engineering processes, tool-based and traceable execution of these processes as well as deriving and defining quality assurance measures. We can be the competent partner at your side and support you professionally in all these tasks.